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Writer's pictureAnthony Ramirez

My favorite 3 photos taken this school year

My mom posing on the floor

For this project "Double Exposure portrait" I took this picture while my mom was laying on the floor and thought it would be a nice angle to use so all her hair is in the frame. I liked this picture because I liked the way the flowers were able to go right into the hair and body and a somewhat a clear image of the textures. I believe I can do a better job by making the flowers in double exposure look brighter so it is more visible.

Foam ball hitting water in a plastic container

For this project "High Shutter Speed" my goal was to get a clear image of water making a splash and this picture was taken outside of my house in the grass. I grabbed a foam ball, a plastic container filled up with water and started taking pictures. In order to get this frame, I asked one of my relatives to help drop the ball as its hitting the water in the container. I liked doing this project because I was able to get a good frame of picture as it took many tries to get it right. I believe I can make this better by getting a closer look on the splash of water to get a better perspective on it.

My mom t-posing on top of a water bottle

This project "Forced Perspective" I took this outside from my house on the grass using a water bottle and my mom as the model. To take this picture I got close to the water bottle to make it seem bigger and made my mom go farther back in order to make it seem like she is standing on top of the bottle using a t-pose. I liked this picture because I did not think I had any capable of doing a force perspective type of picture and with a little more practice, it will look a lot cleaner as this is one of my favorite projects that I did. I believe this picture can be better by probably getting a better balanced surface and making my mom go even farther back because it still seems she's close.

Favorite classmate pictures:

Janet's picture taken while hiking

I like this picture taken by Janet Sanchez because I like hiking and exploring nature and different parts it has to offer like waterfalls. I like how her picture contains the water falling and the details with the rocks and trees.

Eli's picture of his dog laying down

I like this picture taken by Eli Solis because it reminds me of my cat who is also lazy and lays down like that sometimes. I would enjoy having a dog of my own when I'm older who can also resemble the way Eli's dog is posing in the picture.

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